Alternative Transportation

Tobu Railway

Tobu Railway train service information
can be found on the Tobu Railway website.

Gathering information for foreign visitors in the event of disaster In the event of a disaster, a page with links to relevant information will be placed in the“Important Notice” section of the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) global website.

Inquiries via telephone interpretation service Hours 8:30 am - 7:00 pm

Alternative transportation

Alternative transportation

In the event that train service for the segment you are traveling on is disrupted,
you may use specified detour routes on other railway companies to reach your intended destination.

  • *Alternative transportation is only available upon notification.
  • *Available detour routes vary based on the situation. Please speak with station staff for more information.
Eligible ticket types
・Special discount tickets
・Regular tickets
・Commuter passes
Eligible ticket types
Ineligible tickets
・Charge-based IC card tickets (Suica, PASMO, and other transportation IC cards)
・Commuter passes and regular tickets outside the applicable segment
Ineligible tickets

List of alternative transportation routes

List of alternative transportation routes

*Available detour routes vary based on the situation. Please speak with station staff for more information.

List of alternative transportation routes